Tiny House Tour

So here we are on the interwebs, and I guess my first post should be a little (very little) tour of the tiny house.  A little history, first:

The “tiny house” movement “is a popular description for the architectural and social movement that advocates living simply in small homes“(found here).  There are a lot of reasons someone might move in to a tiny house, maybe because they want to save money, or reduce their carbon footprint, or even just travel more often.  A tiny house is usually less than 1000 sq. ft.  Other than those little qualifiers, tiny houses are everywhere! And they serve many different functions, for some as guest bedrooms, or studios, and for others (like us) as a home!

We are so lucky to have our tiny house because it enabled us to take an incredible trip out to Washington and buy land.  And we’ve been in the house for a year now and while it does become cluttered, cramped, and downright uncomfortable at times, it is our home and we love it for that reason.

Here are a couple of pictures from our trip from Colorado to Washington with this baby…


Our tiny house got lost outside of Yellowstone National Park

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We met a slightly larger but respectably tiny house in Grand Teton National Park

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Home for the night in Anaconda, Montana

We had a wonderful time on the trip (our honeymoon!) but we more than happy to find a place to settle.  Now we’re in Newport, WA, a small town bordering Idaho.  We get to be in the woods every day now, can’t imagine that we used to have to go camping to be out in it!

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Our new property, looks like we’ll have some cleaning up to do!


Chillin’ on the homestead (R.I.P. Michael “Chuck” Abraham)

And now, the finale you’ve all been waiting for…the inside of the tiny house!  “How can they possibly live in there?” you say, “It’s just so small!”  Well, we make it work, and it doesn’t hurt that we have home building plans in the very, very near future.  But for now, here it is…


Now, of course, this thing is filled to the brim with our stuff.  Besides that, we have have a little lamp, and laptop for watching the occasional movie, and a propane powered heater to warm up our little space through the cold winter months.  Believe it or not, it does not take a ton of energy to heat a 48 sq. ft. space!  We try not to spend much of our time in here though, instead choosing to explore the world around us, which is maybe the coolest feature of this tiny house.  It encourages you to get out there and live, which is what we do everyday.  Learning to be closer to the earth has been an amazing experience, and we couldn’t have done it without our tiny!

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